Assembly Aid Abroad' was established in the year 2000 and later incorporated to receive gifts for a work that the Holy Spirit opened among poor people who live by subsistence farming in South West Kenya.
A responsible Committee was formed in Australia to supervise the receiving, receipting, accounting and disbursement of gifts and to request accountability from those associate individuals and bodies who receive these gifts.
The Word of God teaches accountability and transparency in such matters
(2 Corinthians 8:16-24).
The Aims of 'Assembly Aid Abroad Inc'
1. To provide an accountable body, namely 'Assembly Aid Abroad Inc', to receive gifts, with proper books of account, receipting, banking and auditing.
2. To financially support evangelism and church planting and associated needs, beginning in East Africa as the Lord leads and at the discretion of the Management Committee.
3. To financially support indigenous Evangelists and Bible Teachers who have no support from other sources and who are working in fellowship with Brethren Churches and according to the teaching as outlined in the 'Elders Handbook' as published by 'Assembly Aid Abroad Inc' .
4. To help Churches with Bibles, Bicycles, Orphan support, building and maintenance of Trades Learning Centres, Schools, Chapels, Conference Centres and associated works.
5. To disburse such gifts as the Management Committee directs in view of the needs, and as may be requested by the donors, working where possible in fellowship with Associated Bodies.
6. To review the books of account kept by Associate Bodies in distributing gifts to ensure that all gifts are used as requested by those bodies and as agreed to by 'Assembly Aid Abroad Inc' .
7. To publish and distribute literature and to arrange for visits by Bible Teachers to Churches.
8. To send out Newsletters to interested persons by E-mail and Post.
9. To co-operate with Associate Bodies and Brethren Church workers on the various fields in achieving these Aims.