Make a donation.
Bank Accounts for direct deposits:
AUS: Assembly Aid Abroad Inc.
BSB: 014305 ACC: 486603214
NZ: Assembly Aid Abroad Inc.
ACC: 01 0646 0198757 00
'A Tax Exemption is given for Australian donations earmarked to: 'Hands and Feet'
Projects Account' BSB: 802 759 Account No: 100 000 467, Description: AAA001 (Please send a confirmation of payment email to
Did you know? If you wish to give to the Lord’s work in Africa, you can direct your gift to a specific ministry (or ministries).
You just need to specify on the payment which ministry or ministries you would like your gift to be directed to. The ministries include: Tax deductions earmarked with asterisk
*Orphan sponsorship
*Orphanage building grants
*Widows’ housing
*Self-supporting project grants for widows, orphans and gospel workers
*High School Sponsorship (orphans and/or from poor families)
*University Sponsorship (orphans and/or from poor families)
*Medical assistance
*Food and other relief measures
Gospel worker support – housing Gospel worker support - expenses Subsidized Bibles / Hymn Books / Gospel literature Emmaus Bible Correspondence Courses Short-term Bible Schools (1-2 weeks)
Church building construction
Transport assistance (motorbikes, push bikes etc) Where most needed